We want you to be delighted with what you see. If you don't love your horse's changes with Muscle Max, we'll give your money back.
Horses in athletic training and those needing to build topline muscle require a high quality protein supplement, rich in Essential Amino Acids, to support muscle building and recovery. Our science backed formula delivers results, but we want you to see for yourself!
If you’re not satisfied after six weeks of consistent Muscle Max Bar supplementation, we’ll give you your money back. Here's what to do:

1. Get the Trial Pack
Get Free Shipping when you buy a Trial Pack of MUSCLE MAX BARS to ensure that your horse will eat them. Most will, and if in doubt, read our Guide to introducing the Bar.
Email a photo or two of your horse's 'before' to us. You'll also get a 10% off code for your next order.

Buy at least a 24 Bar Pack to ensure you have enough bars.
Save 10% with the code in your trial pack!
Your horse should be fed a MUSCLE MAX BARS within 20 minutes of completing every exercise session.

3. Exercise your horse
Ride, groundschool or lunge train your horse at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
The muscle building results of protein supplements have been shown to be most effective when the horse consumes the protein supplement within 20 minutes of completing exercise.
The conditions of our guarantee
This ‘Six Week Promise’ applies to new customers who have initially purchased the MUSCLE MAX BARS 3 bar trial pack followed by a minimum purchase of 24 x MUSCLE MAX BARS (as a 24 pack or 2 x 12 pack) via the Precision Equine website. This offer cannot be redeemed by returning customers of our MUSCLE MAX BARS range.
The ‘Six Week Guarantee’ can only be redeemed once by any customer and can only be redeemed after 2 months of using the product. Please contact us with your after photos in order to redeem.